Kids Tables and Time is an educational game in which kids can learn how to make simple and intermediate calculations and tell the time. In the math game the kids compete against the computer or a friend. They take turns and have to provide the result of a given calculation. You can play with a timer or not, and select the game speed, meaning the time you have to provide the right answer. If the answer is wrong, you will be able to try again and submit a right answer until the time is up. Regarding the time game, you will be told the time and you have to mark it on the clock as fast as possible. There are three levels to choose from, namely basic (hourly intervals), intermediate (quarter hour intervals), and higher (5 minute intervals).
Unfortunately, the game has really poor graphics and sounds. Some of the words are cut and you can barely understand what it says when telling the time.
In short, Kids Tables and Time is an educational game for kids which would be great if it offered decent graphics and sounds. Even though the idea of the game is great, I really wouldn't spend a dime on this application.